
Prof. Antti Oulasvirta (Aalto University, Finland)

“Artificial Intelligence and the User Interface” Download

Short bio

Antti Oulasvirta leads the User Interfaces research group at Aalto University. He was previously a Senior Researcher at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics and the Cluster of Excellence on Multimodal Computing and Interaction at Saarland university. He received his doctorate in Cognitive Science from the University of Helsinki in 2006, after which he was a Fulbright Scholar at the School of Information in University of California-Berkeley in 2007- 2008 and a Senior Researcher at Helsinki Institute for Information Technology HIIT in 2008- 2011. He was awarded the ERC Starting Grant (2015-2020) for research on computational design of user interaces. His work has been awarded the Best Paper Award and Best Paper Honorable Mention at CHI twelve times between 2008 and 2018. He has held keynote talks on computational user interface design at NordiCHI’14, CoDIT’14, EICS’16, and IHCI’17.

This talk describes on-going work towards intelligent user interfaces that better understand users and can better adapt to them. I discuss a type of machine intelligence where causal, predictive models of human-computer interaction are used with probabilistic inference and optimization. Several examples are presented from graphical user interfaces to the web. Keywords: Intelligent user interfaces · Machine intelligence · Computational modelling · Probabilistic inference · Combinatorial optimization.