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On behalf of the Organizing Committee of the 16th International
Conference on Metal Organic Vapor Phase Epitaxy (ICMOVPE-XVI), it
is my great pleasure to invite you to join ICMOVPE-XVI which will be
held on May 20 - 25, 2012 at Paradise Hotel Busan, Busan, Korea. As you may know, Busan is the second largest city in Korea and it
attracts a lot of tourists from all over the world for its historic and
cultural heritage as well as for its easy access from major cities
in the world. |
The venue, Paradise Hotel Busan, is located at the
central part of Haeundae beach, the most loved beach in Korea.
The wonderful harbor city is regarded as a perfect setting for the
conference, and its beautiful environment will not only enhance
your knowledge but also provide you with unforgettable memories.
ICMOVPE has been an international forum for experts from
academia, industry, and national laboratories, where they present
their latest progresses and exchange ideas in the fundamental
and applied aspects of MOVPE technologies. Compound
semiconductors and devices grown by MOVPE such as LEDs and
solar cells are now an essential part in solving global problems,
and those who are involved in MOVPE deserve special recognition.
I hope that ICMOVPE-XVI continues to be a part of long-term
ICMOVPE tradition and the members of Organizing Committee
of ICMOVPE-XVI are dedicated to make this conference another
successful conference.
However, the most important part is your active participation in the
conference. I hope that we will provide a wonderful scientific and
social program of the conference with your active participation.
We look forward to seeing you in Busan, Korea in 2012!
We do look forward to seeing you in Busan, Korea! Thank you. |
Euijoon Yoon, PhD
Seoul National University |