Time Difference / Business Hourstt |
Korean time is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time (GMT+9)
Business hours for banks are generally from 09:30 to 16:30 on weekdays only. Banks are closed on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays. ATMs are widely available. Major department stores are open from 10:30 to 19:30, including Sundays, but smaller shops tend to open earlier and close later every day. |
Currency |
The unit of Korean currency is the Won. Coin denominations are 10, 50, 100 and 500. Banknotes are 1,000, 5,000, 10,000 and 50,000. As of August 5, 2011, the exchange rate is approximately USD1 to KRW 1070.
Currency exchange:
Foreign banknotes and traveler's check can be exchanged at foreign exchange banks and other authorized moneychangers.
Credit cards:
Diners Club, Visa, American Express and MasterCard are widely accepted at major hotels, shops and restaurants in the larger cities. Check with your credit card company for details of merchant acceptability and other services which may be available.
Traveler's check:
Accepted, but may be difficult to change in smaller towns. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travelers are advised to take Traveler's check in US Dollars.
The exchange of foreign currencies may be made at Jeju International Airport.
The exchange services are also provided at ICC Jeju.
[Banking hours: 9:00 AM ~ 4:30 PM, From Monday to Friday] |
Tax |
Value-added tax (VAT) is levied on most goods and services at a standard rate of 10% and is included in the retail price.
In tourist hotels, this 10% tax applies to meals and other services and is added into the bill. |
Gratuities(Tipping) |
Tipping is not a traditional custom in Korea. A 10% service charge will be added to your bill at all tourist restaurants and hotels. It is also not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless he assists you with luggage or provides an extra service. |
Electricity |
In Korea, electrical outlets are operated at 220 volt only. Overseas delegates bringing laptop computers and other electrical appliances are advised to check whether a transformer is required. |
Liability and Insurance |
The Organizing Committee will take no liability for personal injuries sustained by or for loss or damage to property, belongings of participants or accompanying persons during their stay in Korea. It is, therefore, advised that participants arrange their own personal health, accident, and travel insurances. |
Emergency |
Emergency call numbers are: 112 for police and 119 for fire/rescue and hospital services. |
Telephone |
001(International Access Code) + Country Code
+ Area Code + Remaining Digits |
Ex) If you call Sintering 2011 secretariat, please refer to the following steps.
[Tel: +82-42-472-7464]
Step 1) Determine what time it is in South Korea before you call.
The country is 9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time.
Step 2) Dial 001, the international access code.
Step 3) Dial 82, the country code for Korea.
Step 4) Dial the area code for the city you wish to call. [Daejeon: 42, Jeju: 64, Seoul: 2]
Step 5) Dial the remaining digits. |
More Information |
Copyright (c) SINTERING 2011. All Rights Reserved. |