Abstract Submission
Important Dates
  • Sun

    October 14, 2022
    October 30, 2022 Deadline for Abstract Submission

  • Fri

    November 11, 2022 Notification of Abstract Acceptance

  • Fri

    November 18, 2022 Deadline of Pre-registration

How to submit?
  • STEP1

    Sign up or login to the online system

  • STEP2

    Select a topic to present your abstract

  • STEP3

    Fill out author information

  • STEP4

    Fill out abstract contents in the system and click the submit button

  • STEP5

    After the paper submission, corresponding author will receive the confirmation letter within a week by e-mail

※ If you have not received the confirmation letter within a week, please contact International NAT 2022 Secretariat. ( E-mail: info@nat2022.org)

Submission Guideline

Abstract Template

  • You are required to submit abstract via On-line Abstract Submission System. Please input your abstract into the system directly.
  • Abstract should be written a maximum of 800 words (with space).
  • Before the submission, please select your preferred type of your presentation (Oral or Poster).
  • In order to modify or replace the submitted abstract, please click “modify” button after login with your ID and PW by September, 30 (Fri.), 2022
  • The accepted type will be notified after review process accordingly.
Important Note

※ One regular registration is valid for one abstract.
At least, one author of each accepted abstracts must complete registration and pay the registration fee; otherwise the abstracts will be withdrawn from the final program and the proceedings publication.

Notification of Authors

Notification of acceptance will be sent by e-mail to corresponding and presenting (submitting) authors by --,2022. If you have not received the notification, please send the email to the secretariat with your abstract information (info@nat2022.org).