
On-line Registration

Deadline of Pre-registration : November 18, 2022

Registration Type Pre (~November 18) On-site (December 7-9)
Regular 400,000 won (300$) 500,000 won (400$)
Student 200,000 won (150$) 300,000 won (250$)

※ One regular registration is valid for one abstract.

Regular & Student Fee Includes; Lunches, Banquet, welcome package and Program book

Payment Method
  • Credit Card

    Visa, Master and JCB cards are acceptable (AMEX is not acceptable)

  • Bank Transfer

    Please make the bank transfer to the below account provided.
    (Sender’s name MUST BE identical with the registrant’s name).

Bank Name Woori Bank Korea
Branch Name Yuseong Branch
Account Holder Korean Nuclear Society (한국원자력학회)
Account Number 1005-101-599359
Bank Address 591, Doan-daero, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
  • All bank remittance charges should be paid by the sender.
  • In order to confirm your payment, please send the remittance slip via e-mail( or fax (+82-042-472-7459).
  • After your on-line registration and the payment are completed, you will receive the confirmation letter from the NAT 2022 Secretariat including your registration number and other information via e-mail. If you do not receive the letter within a week, please kindly contact the secretariat on ( or +82-042-472-7458.
  • On-site payment

    Only Credit Card

  • Refund policy
    • Please notify NAT 2022 Secretariat in writing to to request a refund and cancel your registration. Refund will be made upon receipt of this written notice after the conference.
    • All bank service charges are to be paid by the registrant.
Before November 18 (Fri.), 2022 After November 19 (Sat), 2022
100% Refund No Refund