:: ICPE 2015-ECCE Asia :: 9th International Conference on Power Electronics – ECCE Asia
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ICPE Tutorials present the state of the art or the state of the practice in a topic related to power electronics. A tutorial can be aimed at researchers, practitioners, managers, teachers, or students; different styles and topics would be appropriate in the different cases.
Time Room A
Room B
Room C
Room D
Room E
Room F
Room G
Room H
12:30~13:30 Lunch
Tutorial 1. Modular Multilevel Converter - Fundamentals and Applications
Rainer Marquardt & Yeqi Wang (University of Bundeswehr/Munich)
Tutorial 2. Carrier Based PWM Methods For Multiphase Power Electronic Conversion Systems
Seung-Ki Sul (Seoul National Univ.) & Ahmet M. Hava (Middle East Technical Univ.)
Tutorial 3. PWM Converter Modeling and Compensation Design
Byungcho Choi (Kyungpook National Univ.)
Tutorial 4. Fundamentals and Multi-Objective Design of Inductive Power Transfer Systems
Johann W. Kolar & Roman Bosshard (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) Zurich)
Tutorial 5. Microgrids – State of the Art and Challenges
Josep M. Guerrero & Mehdi Savaghebi (Aalborg Univ.)
Tutorial 6. HV SiC Devices Enabled MV Power Converters Applications – Opportunities and Challenges
Subhashish Bhattacharya (North Carolina State University)
Tutorial 7. A Survey on Advanced Methods of Control in Electrical Drives
Ralph Kennel (Technische Universität München) & Mario Pacas (Siegen University)
Tutorial 8. Overview, Challenges, and Opportunities of High Speed Electrical Machine Drive
Bulent Sarlioglu (University of Wisconsin–Madison)
Tutorial 9. Z-Source Converter Topology, Design, Implementation and Applications
Fang Zheng Peng (Michigan State Univ.) & Honnyong Cha (Kyungpook National University)
Tutorial 10. Control Methods in Electrical Drives and Grid Tied Inverters: ASystematic Approach to Control, Tracking and
Elimination of Harmonic Components
Vladimir Blasko (United TechnologiesResearch Center)