› Program › Invited Speakers
Topic 1 Topic 2 Topic 3 Topic 4 Topic 5 Topic 6 Topic 7
Topic 1. Optical Components and Photonic Devices
[TC1-1] Silicon Photonics Optical DeMUX Technology for WDM Applications
Dr. Seok-Hwan Jeong (PETRA), Japan

[TC1-2] Mach-Zehnder modulators with active Y-branch structure for precise lightwave control
Prof. Hirochika Nakajima (Waseda Univ. ), Japan

[FC4-1] Progress of Space Division Multiplexing Technology for Future Optical Networks
Dr. Jun Sakaguchi (NICT), Japan

[FC4-2] Spatial Light Modulators for Space-Division Multiplexing
Dr. Joel Carpenter (University of Sydney), Australia
Topic 2. Software Defined Optical Network
[TA1-1] Preparing the end-to-end virtualized networking over emerging Software-Defined Infrastrure
Prof. Jongwon Kim (GIST), Korea

[TA1-4] HADES: A Compatible SDN based Network Virtualization Architecture
Prof. Yaohui Jin (Shanghai Jiao Tong University), China (P.R.C)

[FA3-2] Flexible and Robust Optical Network Technologies for SDN and Network Virtualization
Mr. Takafumi Tanaka (NTT), Japan
Topic 3. Optical Transport, Control, and Monitoring Systems
[TB1-1] Hybrid Cloud Rendering-oriented Virtual Network Embedding in Optical and Data Center Networks
Dr. Weigang Hou (Northeastern University), China (P.R.C)

[TB1-3] Energy Efficient Data-centric Network on the Optical Network Virtualization Platform
Prof. Satoru Okamoto (Keio Univ.), Japan

[FB2-1] Application-centric, energy-efficient network architecture, ACTION, based on flexible optical network
Prof. Naoaki Yamanaka (Keio Univ.), Japan

[FB2-3] Dynamic Optical Path Network: a network beyond SDN and SDM
Dr. Shu Namiki (AIST ), Japan

Topic 4. Access and Local Area Networks
[TA2-1] Towards Green NG-PON2 Systems
Prof. Biswanath (Bis) Mukherjee (University of California, Davis), U.S.A.

[TA2-6] TBD
Dr. Hyungjin Park (KT), Korea

[TB2-4] Multi-core fiber technology for optical-access and short-range links
Dr. Yong Lee (Central Research Laboratory, Hitachi, Ltd.), Japan

[FA1-1] TWDM PON with WDM Overlay for Converged Broadband Services
Dr. Ning Cheng (American Research Center), U.S.A.

[FA2-1] Application of hierarchical modulation to optical access network
Dr. Noriko Iiyama (NTT), Japan

[FA4-1] Generic Remote ONU Management for Various Optical Access Systems
Dr. Hiroaki Mukai (Mitsubishi Electric Corp.), Japan
Topic 5. Signal Processing for Advanced Optical Transmission
[TB2-1] MIMO-Based Mode-Division Multiplexed Transmission over Multimode Fibers
Dr. Roland Ryf (Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent), U.S.A.

[TB2-2] 3D Waveguide and All-Fiber “Photonic Lantern” Spatial Multiplexers
Dr. Nicolas Fontaine (Bell Labs), U.S.A.

[TB2-3] Multicore EDFA to realize simultaneous excitation with cladding-pumped technology
Dr. Yukihiro Tsuchida (Furukawa Electric), Japan

[FB1-1] Phase sensitive amplifiers based on PPLN waveguides for optical communication
Dr. Takeshi Umeki (NTT Photonics Labs.), Japan

[FB1-2] Fiber Nonlinearity Mitigation Using Phase-Conjugated OFDM Subcarriers
Prof. Xingwen Yi (Key Laboratory of Optical Fiber Sensing and Communications, University of Electronic Science and Tec), China (P.R.C)

[FB3-1] Long-haul Quasi-Single-Mode Transmission using Few-Mode Fiber with Multi-Path Interference Compensation
Dr. Alan Pak Tao Lau (Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Hong Kong

[FB3-4] Advanced modulation in optical transmission
Prof. Xiangjun Xin (Beijing Univ. of Posts and Telecommunications ), China (P.R.C)

[FB4-1] 1-Exabit/s•km Super-Nyquist-WDM Transmission using Multi-Core Fibers
Prof. Koji Igarashi (Osaka University), Japan
Topic 6. Optical Technology for Mobile Networks
[TC2-1] Wireless Signals Transport in Fiber-Wireless Links: Digitized versus Analog
Prof. Christina Lim (University of Melbourne), Australia

[TC2-2] Mobile Optical Network for Future Radio Access
Dr. Tomohiro Taniguchi (NTT), Japan

[FC1-1] Wired and wireless seamless links for resilient and low-latency networks
Dr. Tetsuya Kawanishi (NICT), Japan

[FC1-2] Improvement of Channel Bandwidth in Optical Wireless OFDM Link based on Visible Light Emitting Diode using Compressive Sensing
Prof. Yong-Yuk Won (Yonsei Univ.), Korea

[FC1-3] Photon Pair Sources for Quantum Information Networks and Remote Sensing Systems
Prof. Jae-Ho Han (Korea University), Korea

[FC3-1] Dynamic IQ Compression Technique in Mobile Front-Haul for Mobile Optical Network
Mr. Naotaka Shibata (NTT), Japan

[FC3-2] Practical Perspective of Artificial Neural Networks as a Function Approximator, not an Almighty Black Box
Dr. Tae-Hyung Kim (KT), Korea
Topic 7. Emerging Photonic Technologies (including Sensor, Optical Interconnect, and IoT)
[FC2-1] Photonics Solution for Single Chip Terahertz Transceiver
Dr. Kyung Hyun Park (ETRI), Korea