› Program › Information for Speaker / Chair
High-quality presentations are essential for the success of COIN 2014. To help you plan your presentation for COIN 2014, please find important information about the audio visual equipment available in the meeting rooms, along with guidelines to help you prepare and deliver your presentation.
Information for Session Chairs
The session chair of each session is required to arrive at the session room at least 15 minutes before the session starting time and to check the attendance of the session speakers listed in the presentation schedule. Please let the speakers to upload their presentation files to the prepared laptop and test their files before the session.

An oral presentation has 15 minutes for each presentation, including discussion. Please ring the bell once after 10 minutes from the presentation beginning and twice after 12 minutes for smooth running of session. As for the invited talks, the ringing time should be adjusted and let the speakers know it.
Information for Oral Sessions
1. Presenting Time
All presentations must be in English and Oral presentation will be limited to a total of 15 minutes, 30 minutes for invited talks and 40 minutes for plenary talks.
Overruns will not be allowed as they interfere with the other presenters. Session chair may give instructions to finish within the allotted presentation time.
Presenters are highly recommended to meet their session chair in the session room in advance and take a seat in the first row at least 10 minutes before their session starts.
2. Presentation File(s)
Oral Session presenters should prepare their presentation file(s) in MS PowerPoint (MS Office 2007 or 2010).
You can use any font provided by MS Office. If you use fonts other than standard Windows fonts, please bring the font file(s) on site along with the presentation file(s).
If your presentation file(s) contain(s) movies or sound, you are requested to zip them into one folder, and bring it to the field to ensure that they work properly.
Please bring your MS PowerPoint presentation file(s) with you on a USB memory stick, and make sure that the file(s) are copied correctly onto the memory stick.
3. Audio Visual Equipment
All presenters should only use venue facilities. Each session room will be equipped with the followin
- Laptop running MS-Office PowerPoint 2010 operated in Windows 7, equipped with compact disk reader (CD & DVD) and USB drive. *Laptops in the Preview & Internet Lounge are also prepared with same specifications as above.
- A smart pointer, a mouse
- Beam projector (RGB Port)
- Screen
To avoid frequently occurring technical problems during the presentation, all presenters are asked to use only IBM compatible PCs and the single LCD projector preset in the session room for all presentations during Oral Session.
If it is unavoidable to use your own laptop, you should bring all the necessary adaptors which are compatible with our beam projector (RGB port). To ensure compatibility, you MUST check your laptop at the session room 30 minutes before the session begins.
4. Equipment on the Podium
- Upon reaching the podium, lights will be dimmed and the first slide will be projected onto the screen.
- You may operate the screen by clicking the left button of the mouse to go to the next slide when you need to. The Smart pointer is also available to go back and forth in your slides
- The Laser Pointer is available for your presentation.
- Please leave the Laser Pointer at the podium after your presentation is finished.
5. Preview & Internet Lounge
Date & Time August. 27 (Wed) 15:00~19:30
August. 28 (Thu) 09:00~18:00
August. 29 (Fri) 08:30~16:00
Place Regency Ball Room / Lobby, R Floor
Information for Poster Session
Place: Tarrace B, Lobby Poster Session
Date Aug. 28 (Thu.), 2014
Put-up Time Up to 13:30
Presentation Time 17:15 ~ 18:15
Take-down Time After 18:30
* Please note that posters remaining after the session will be discarded. Thus please ensure to take your posters down once the session is finished.
- The poster board is self-standing.
- The size of each poster panel is 1m in width and 2m in height.
- Each paper's code will be shown on the board.
- Use of double-sided tape is prohibited.
- Adhesive tapes, cutters and scissors will be available within the poster presentation area for effective setting.
- All presenters are required to preside at their poster panel during the session for anticipated discussion with participants.
*Click to enlarge the venue mini-map