› General Information › Useful Information
Value-added tax (VAT) is levied on most goods and services at a standard rate of 10% and is included in the retail price. In tourist hotels, this 10% tax applies to meals and other services and is added into the bill.
Tipping is not a traditional custom in Korea. A 10% service charge will be added to your bill at all tourist restaurants and hotels. It is also not necessary to tip a taxi driver unless he assists you with luggage or provides an extra service.
The Korean local currency is the Won. Major foreign currencies that can be exchanged at banks, hotels, and the airport include the US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, and UK Sterling. Most hotels, restaurants, and shops accept major international credit cards including Visa, American Express, Diners Club, Master Card, and JBC. Foreign-issued ATM cards may have limited use.
Old Bills
10,000 won (man won) 5,000 won (ocheon won) 1,000 won (cheon won)  
New Bills
10,000 won (man won) 5,000 won (ocheon won) 1,000 won (cheon won) 50,000 won (oman won)
500 won (obaek won) 100 won (baek won) 50 won (osip won) 10 won (sip won)
Exchange Rate


Traveler’s Checks
Accepted, but may be difficult to change in smaller towns. To avoid additional exchange rate charges, travelers are advised to take Traveler’s check in US Dollars.

The exchange of foreign currencies may be made at Jeju International Airport. The exchange services are also provided at ICC Jeju. [Banking hours: 9:00 AM ~ 4:30 PM, From Monday to Friday]
The electricity supply commonly used in Korea is the 200-volt 60Hz system. Because most newly built hotels and houses have the 220-volt wiring installed, you are advised to check your electronic equipment beforehand.
Step 1 Determine what time it is in Korea before you call
(9 hours ahead of Greenwich Mean Time).
Step 2 Dial 001, the international access code.
Step 3 Dial 82, the country code of Korea.
Step 4
Dial the area code of the city you wish to call with 0 removed.
[Jeju: 64, Daejeon: 42, Busan: 51, Seoul: 2].
Step 5 Dial the remaining digits.
001 (International Access Code) + Country Code + Area Code + Remaining Digits
Ex) Calling Secretariat of the COIN 2014, please refer to the following steps; [Tel: +82-42-472-7460]
Emergency Phone number
1339: Medical Emergency
119: Emergencies for Fire, Rescue & Hospital Services
112: Police
129: First Aid Services
Sep.    17 , 2024
Clear 27.6 ℃
Time Difference
World Clock (enlarge)
Business Hours
Government office hours are usually from 9:00 to 18:00 on weekdays. Banks are open from 9:00 to 16:00 on weekdays. Most stores are open every day from 10:30 to 20:00, including Sundays.
Hangeul(), Korea’s official alphabet, was first invented by King Sejong during the Joseon Dynasty. Originally called Hunminjeongeum (), the language was conceived in 1443, and further promulgated by the King in 1446. At the time of its inception, the language consisted of 17 consonants and 11 vowels however, since then, 3 of the originally established consonants and 1 vowel have fallen into disuse bringing the total number of characters to 24. Syllables are formed by the selective combination of vowels and consonants to create words.
Rental a car
As there is counter of car rental company in front of arrival waiting room in domestic terminal of Jeju Airport, you can rent, take over and return directly at the airport. Please reserve in advance by telephone for more convenience.
Useful Websites