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Home > Technical Program > Presentation Guideline
Oral Presentation
The allocation for presentation is 20 minutes. The presenter will have:
15 minutes for the presentation itself
5 minutes for question time from the audience
A LCD projector & computer (Windows OS, MS Powerpoint & Adobe Acrobat Reader) will be available in every session room for oral presentations.
Preparation of Visuals
Presenters/speakers using computer projections must either bring their own laptop computer with the appropriate presentation software or a memory stick containing the presentation. Files should be uploaded to the local PCs in the oral session rooms during the breaks between the sessions. To avoid software compatibility problems (MS Powerpoint), speakers are advised to save their Powerpoint presentation with the package for USB feature and bring a backup PDF-version of their presentation.
Speakers should arrive in their session rooms 15 minutes BEFORE the start of their sessions to report to the chair person.A proctor will also be available in case you need technical assistance
Poster Presentation
Session Date Time Location
Poster Session I May 9(Wed.) 15:10~16:50 Convention Lobby
Poster Session II May 10(Thu.) 16:50~18:30 Convention Lobby
All posters remaining after the session is over will be discarded. Thus, authors are required to take away their own posted display.
- The poster board is self-standing.
- The poster size should be no more than 0.9m in width and 1.36m in height
- Each paper’s code will be shown on the board.
- Scotch tape will be provided for your use.
- Use of double-sided tape is prohibited.
- All presenters are required to preside at their poster panel during thesession for anticipated discussion with the audience
Session Chair Guideline
1. uploading of the presentation files will be done, before the sessions start. Speakers should also be in their session room at least 15 minutes before the start if the session.
2. If one of the presenters is missing, please kindly leave the presentation time out and start the rest of the presentation on time. It is important to stay on schedule so that people moving between sessions can attend specific presentations.
3. At the beginning of each session, please state the session title and introduce yourself as session chair followed by Brief introduction of the speakers.
4. The allocated time for each presentation is scheduled as below, which includes Q&A time as well. Please ring the bell once at the first notice and twice at the second notice as instructed below to remind the speaker and participants of presentation end.
Type of Presentation Allocated Time 1st ring at 2nd ring at
Keynote Speech 30 minutes 25 minutes 30 minutes
Invited Presentation 25 minutes 20 minutes 25 minutes
Oral Presentation 20 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes
5. It is strongly recommended that you do not let a speaker leave without at least having answered one question.
6. Please REPEAT all questions if necessary, after they are asked. Audience does not often understand or hear the question and it is extremely useful for the question to be repeated by the chairs.
7. Finally, please make sure that the time is STRICTLY observed. If the audience has additional questions please ask them to discuss this with the authors after the session.