- Welcome Message
- Conference Information
- Committees
- Program at a Glance
- Plenary Speakers
- Presentation Guideline
- Floor Plan
- Abstract Preparation Guideline
- On-line Abstract Submission
- Guideline for Registration
- On-line Registration
- Hotel Information
- On-line Reservation
- Tour Information
- Venue Information
- Transportation
- About Korea
- VISA Application
- Useful Information
Home > Accommodation > On-line Reservation
If you would like to make a hotel reservation, please click the button.
After filling out the hotel reservation form on the Website, please print out the Reservation Completed page, then send it to by fax(+82-42-472-7459) with your credit card information which is just for room guarantee.

After your hotel reservation, you will receive the confirmation letter from the IWJC-Korea 2012 Secretariat including your reservation number and the other specific information by email.
Last Update: January 27, 2012