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Home > Abstract Preparation Guideline
Abstract Preparation
All authors are required to upload their submissions to the conference website (www.iwjc2012.org). Please prepare your abstract in PDF or MS word format for the submission. The abstract shall consist of 1 page including 1 or 2 figures and/or photographs to assist the understanding of the manuscript.
The deadline for submission of the Abstract is December 1, 2011 December 22, 2011 , and notification of acceptance of the abstract will be sent via an e-mail to the speaker January 15, 2012 January 31, 2012 .
The submitted abstract will either be accepted or rejected based on technical merits evaluated by peer reviewers. The accepted abstract might be reassigned to an oral or poster presentations of appropriate topical session at the discretion of program committee.
At least, one author of each accepted abstract must complete his/her registration and pay the registration fee by February 29, 2012; otherwise the abstract will be withdrawn from the proceedings publication.
All the accepted abstracts will be published in the conference proceeding. Full paper(manuscript) submission is not mandatory. Authors who want publication in the Advanced Science Letters(SCIE, IF1.253) should submit full paper by due date (The date will be announced soon.).  Through additional peer review procedure, accepted authors will be charged for publication. Further information will be posted on the conference website(www.iwjc2012.org).
Format of Submission
The format of abstract will be posted at the conference website (www.iwjc2012.org).
Number of pages allowed for the abstract of IWJC-Korea 2012 is 1 page.
The Title should be concise and informative enough to facilitate understanding of the abstract.  Acronyms should not be in the Title.
Authors’ names should preferably be written in full name for all publications to facilitate indexing and avoid ambiguities.
The abstract of IWJC 2012 should be written with no section headings. The contents of the abstract should include an introduction, purpose of the study, experimental procedure, results, and a conclusion.. Do not print page numbers nor cite references.
We recommend you to use 1 or 2 figures and/or photographs to assist the understanding of the manuscript. Photographs in a good condition are only acceptable. Utmost care must be taken to insert the figures in correct alignment with the text. Half-tone pictures should be in the form of glossy prints. If possible, please include your figures as graphic images in the electronic version. For maintaining the best quality, the pictures should have a resolution of 300 dpi (dots per inch).
Tables (refer to the Table 1 and Table 2 provided below) should be presented as part of the text, but in such a way as to avoid confusion with the text. A descriptive title should be placed above each table. The caption should be self-contained and placed above the table. Units in tables should be given in square brackets [meV].
References are cited in the text just by the square brackets [1]. Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3,4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text and are to be listed at the end of the contribution with no headings, see our example below.
Last Update: December 1, 2011