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Home > Paper Submission > On-line Abstract Submission
Abstract Preparation
Abstract Submission Due: December 1, 2011  December 22, 2011
Step. 1 Obtain your ID and PW.
Step. 2 Submit your abstract in PDF or MS Word.
Step. 3 After your abstract submission, Speaker will receive the confirmation letter from the IWJC-Korea 2012 Secretariat within a week by e-mail.
* If you have not received the confirmation letter within one week, please feel free to contact us
(secretariat@iwjc2012.org or +82-42-472-7463).
Introduction for Submission
In order to view, modify or withdraw the submitted abstract, you need to click “Modify” button after login with your ID and PW. If you have a problem to find your ID and PW, please feel free to contact us via E-mail (secretariat@iwjc2012.org)
At least, one author of each accepted abstract must complete his/her registration and pay the registration fee by February 29, 2012; otherwise the abstracts will be withdrawn from the proceedings publication.
Notification of Abstract Review Result
The confirmation of type of presentation (Oral or Poster) you will make will be sent you by January 15, 2012 January 31, 2012. Please note that notification of receipt will be sent to the speaker only.
Paper Publication
After the standard procedure of peer review, selected manuscripts will be published in the Advanced Science Letters (SCIE, IF 1.253).
Please note that the paper for Advanced Science Letter (ASL) can be either an original new contribution, which extends beyond your own work so that the reader can see the advances in your respective area or, a review article in your area (if you have already published your work). The papers submitted for consideration in this journal will go through the normal rigorous review process before a publication decision is made. The submission of your papers should be made through the on-line submission program. Publication fee will be charged before the publication.

Detailed information will be announced on the website of IWJC-Korea 2012 before long.
Last Update: December 16, 2011